Humor is an essential part of our lives, is as necessary as that all emotions such as love, anger, etc. It dictates how comfortable we feel at our workplace, with a person we just met and how much money we make. The truth is that without humor we are as good as dead. Humor brightens our day and changes our entire perspective about our daily routines in a second. Yes, that's the power of humor.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fake But Nice:)

Once a Smoker was smoking at airport.........A gentleman came & asked him. How much do you smoke a day?

Smoker : Why are you asking such question?

Gentleman replied : If you had collected that money instead of smoking,the plane which is in front of you, would have been yours.

Smoker asked that gentleman : Do you smoke? Gentleman:-No. Smoker asked:- is that plane belongs to you? Gentleman replied:- No.

Smoker:-Thanks for your kind advice,but that plane is mine

[Smoker's Name - Vijay Mallya]

Moral of the Story : Unnecessary advice is injurious to health

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